WHAT: This week, Hynes Charter Schools are participating in the annual “Great Kindness Challenge,” a proactive and positive initiative that improves school climate, prevents bully-like behavior, and increases student engagement. The Great Kindness Challenge is one week devoted to performing as many acts of kindness as possible at home and/or at school (virtually or in-person).
WHEN: Hynes Charter School-Lakeview and Hynes Charter School-UNO will celebrate with Spirit Days as well as encouraging students to use a Kindness Checklist at home and school. Hynes will participate in the following activities (virtually):· Monday January 25: Crazy About Kindness – Students may wear crazy socks.· Tuesday, January 26: Kindness Makes the HEART Grow – Students may wear red or pink shirts.· Wednesday, January 27: Join Team Kindness – Students may wear a team jersey.· Thursday, January 28: Glow with Kindness – Students may wear bright or neon colors or something with sparkle.· Friday, January 29: It’s Your Job to be Kind – Students may dress up as what they want to be when they grow up.
WHY: Hynes was given a checklist of 50 kind acts. Students accept the challenge and keep track of their acts of kindness on the checklist. At school, students will engage in demonstrating special acts of kindness with their teacher and fellow classmates. Each grade level has been paired with a Hynes business or community partner to further show kindness by thanking the leaders for their involvement with Hynes.
Students were also asked to demonstrate acts of kindness with family members. Hynes families are encouraged to post pictures of their family performing the challenges with the hashtag #greatkindnesschallenge and #hyneskidsarekind. For more info about the #GKC go to www.thegreatkindnesschallenge.com For more information on Hynes Charter Schools, please call 504-324-7160, or visit the school website at www.hynesschool.org
Hynes offers a challenging academic curriculum that includes a progressive literacy program; gifted and talented courses, classes in art, instrumental music, vocal music, library, theater and physical education. Art and social-emotional learning are integrated throughout the curriculum. In addition, Hynes offers a French Immersion program. Hynes is proud of the collaborative culture that it fosters with distributed leadership and shared decision-making. Hynes has identified five core elements that drive its success: 1.) student centered instruction, 2.) an inclusive and positive school culture, 3.) tailored enrichment opportunities for students, 4.) an invested and committed community and 5.) having a sustainable organization.
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