Fox 8 is honoring local educators. This week’s golden apple recipient was nominated by one of her first students. She credits the third grade English language arts teacher with many of her life’s successes. Kelsey Davis introduces us to Jennifer Comeaux. Why must you have a plan? Why is it important to have a plan Jennifer Comeaux has shaped the minds of the young people of new orleans…for three decades. When I started teaching, I came in when there was a teacher’s strike. I got halfway through my career then we had hurricane Katrina. Now I’m at the end, and we’re in the middle of a global pandemic. But none of that is what her students remember. Jessica brooks was in Comeaux’s first class. She embraced a new kid, coming from a new city. Back when she still went by miss Sanders. So, you can imagine her shock when she ran into “(her favorite elementary school teacher… At her son’s school. She called me by my maiden name, so that almost me to tears. She’s like, Jessica? I was like, you remember me? She was like yes. You were one of my favorite students. I was like, I hope you have my son next year. Brooks got her wish.
Mrs Comeaux was Isaac’s third grade teacher. It actually felt very good knowing that my mom used to be a student for her. It made me feel special. Principal Nichelle Jones is not surprised former students “(still have such fond memories of Comeaux. The same person she is today, I’m quite sure she was the same person back then. She is a caring teacher. She builds rapport, not only with the students but with the parents as well. She makes lasting impressions. Comeaux certainly made a lasting impression in Jessica brooks life. And I think because of her, I graduated valedictorian. It’s just a lot of accomplishments that I would like to give her that credit for.
In her 30th year in the classroom…and after overcoming many of her own obstacles…co Meaux has this advice for her fellow educators: If you feel like you’ve been knocked down, just get up. Get up and keep going butted they just come to us. We have to meet them where they are and just bring this up. Reporting uptown, Kelsey Davis fox 8 local first. Principal Nichelle Jones says Mrs. Comeaux was also a finalist for the New Orleans excellence in teaching award. New Orleans prepares to relax some of its coronavirus
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