GNO Collaborative Teachers

Young Audiences Charter Schools to Host Open Houses for Orleans and Jefferson Parish Campuses

Date: January 11th, 2022
Young Audiences Charter Schools: Academic Excellence with an Artistic Edge
Young Audiences Charter Schools to Host Open Houses for
Orleans and Jefferson Parish Campuses
Young Audiences Charter Schools (YACS), open enrollment, arts-integrated schools in Jefferson and Orleans Parish, invite prospective students and families to attend its Open Houses in Orleans and Jefferson Parishes.
For Orleans Parish Residents, YACS recently expanded its arts-integrated public education to Uptown New Orleans at its Lawrence D. Crocker Campus, serving Grades PK4-8. Open Houses for Young Audiences Charter School at the Crocker Campus for grades PK4-8 will be held on February 2 and March 30, 2022 at 6 PM at its campus at 2301 Marengo St. in Uptown New Orleans.  For prospective families in grades PK4-K only, there will be an Arts Immersive Event on April 6 from 6pm-7pm at the Crocker Campus at 2301 Marengo St. in New Orleans.
For Jefferson Parish residents, YACS’s Jefferson Campus recently opened a new state-of-the-art middle/high campus.  Open Houses for Young Audiences Charter School (Little YACS, Kate Middleton and Burmaster) in grades PK4-12 will be held on January 26 and March 23, 2022, at 6 PM at its Burmaster Campus at 1000 Burmaster St. in Gretna on the Westbank.  For prospective families in grades PK4-K only,  an Arts Immersive Event will be held March 30 from 6pm-7pm at the Little YACS campus, 3400 6th St. in Harvey. 
For the school year 2021-22, YACS Jefferson operates three campuses:  Little YACS (grades PK4-K) at Little YACS, 3400 6th St., in Harvey, LA.  Grades 1-5 are at the Kate Middleton Campus, 1407 Virgil St., in Gretna, and grades 6-12 are housed at the new campus at 1000 Burmaster St.
For more information on how to participate, go to:  
At Young Audiences Charter School, the arts-integration curriculum reflects recent research from the arts education field that provides significant evidence of the value of the arts in the learning process.  Arts Integration combines the arts with the learning of core academic subjects. It supports educational achievement and improved student behavior by giving children both a “springboard” and a “safety net” for learning. The arts allow students to be more engaged in education-focusing on each child’s abilities and interests to provide support in academic achievement. The arts also provide increased opportunities for parental involvement in school, a key component to education.
Any student who enrolls in Young Audiences Charter School for Kindergarten is eligible to attend the YACS Summer Camp for free. Please call the school for details.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school’s website, call (504) 304-6332 or e-mail for enrollment information.

Opened in 2013, Young Audiences Charter Schools are open enrollment, arts-integrated charter schools operating in Jefferson and Orleans Parish.  Recent research shows that students at schools with an arts-integrated curriculum scored higher on standardized tests and academic measures than those at other types of schools, including academic magnet schools. (PAIR, 2013) Additionally, students involved in the arts have better attendance, fewer behavior referrals, increased class participation, and are more likely to report a love of learning.
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